Hollywood has discovered the tale of its own. Whether Hansel and Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood - fairy tales do not only supply the stuff of miraculous encounters, but also for action and excitement. This proves to us now Lily Collins as Snow White in "Mirror, Mirror" (film's release: Apr 05, 2012). The actress is not the only one who seeks the evil queen because of her beauty to life. From 31 May 2012 is also a colleague Kristen Stewart Snow White in "Snow White and the Huntsman" to see. What other films from the Dream Factory are really fabulous, you can find in our gallery
Mirror, Mirror "
"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?" Of course, Lily Collins: skin white as snow, hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood. But just like Julia Roberts did not, as the evil queen tries Clementianna after the life of Snow White. In fabulous clothes and beautiful scenery this is "Snow White" adaptation of the original Grimm fairly close. Even the Seven Dwarfs Do not miss this fabulous film and provide the necessary dose of humor.
Once Upon A Time |
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